Thursday, December 1, 2022

Spirited Away VR: Interactive NoFace (Final Pass)

 This week, I FINALLY figured out how to get my prop affecting the state machine on my NoFace blueprint. I set it up so that if I pick up a specific token, NoFace opens his mouth. If I feed him a Riceball, he closes his mouth and rains bath tokens on me! I had a lot of fun with Niagara emitters to make him more like the Spirited Away movie. I also added an emitter that has gold raining out of his hands like in the Spirited Away movie. 

Here is a video showing the final product! I had a lot of fun bringing NoFace to life. 

This is the beginning of my NoFace blueprint, where I made an array variable that has all instances of the Bath Token and the Riceball blueprints in the scene. It uses this to set the variables for NoFace's aniamtions later on. 

This is a blueprint showing how I triggered the gold emitters that come out NoFace's hands. 

This part is kind of messy garbage but it WORKS. Basically this works by checking if my Variable for NoFace's mouth open is true or false. If False, it checks to see if a token is held and if it is true, it sets the NoFace mouth variable to true. If NoFace IS angry/mouth open, it checks all the instances of the Riceball prop and see's if it is overlapping with the trigger box I put in NoFace's mouth. If true, it sets NoFace mouth open to false and destroyts the prop. As a result, this triggers a Niagara emitter that rains Tokens on the player as a sign of NoFace's gratitude. 

I set the gold emitter to delete itself after playing once as I thought it might be annoying for it to play all the time. 

Sprint #6 Delivery

 This sprint, I added finishing weighting touches onto the Angel, added the completed textures to the rig files, added the stained glass pan...