Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Spirited Away VR: Interactive NoFace (Clean Pass)

 This week, I worked on getting the animation state machine and blueprints to work together to make NoFace fully interactable. I played around with collisions and even added specific colliders for the hands to make hand interactions on parts of  NoFace's body. The result was that if I entered specific colliders, NoFace can go from Aware > Beckoning>Mouth Open>Mouth Closed> Back to Idle once I exited the colliders. I am hoping to possibly add some interaction related to our prop next week, but for now this is fully functional. Below is my Perforce documentation. Primarily, I worked on the ABP_NoFace, BPC_NoFace, and the Team4VRPawn assets. 

As you can see in the video, as I enter NoFace's colliders he goes to bowing to show he is aware of my presence. If I get even closer he starts doing his creepy "beckoning". If I reach out to his face, his mouth opens, but if I reach to his head to give him headpats he closes his mouth. Exiting one collider takes me back to the previous animation state. Going out of the colliders completely makes it go back to idling. 
The biggest thing that fixed this was adding a collider to the VR pawn and I also added individual colliders that are parented to the motion controllers to add interactions related to the hands. 

Pictured above: the colliders I added to the VR Pawn. 
        Here are are the various colliders I added to NoFace to trigger the different animation states. I added 4 in total! 

Here are the various events I attached to the colliders, and I then added these same variables to the animation blueprint to trigger the state machine events. 

Here is what my animation state machine looks like, in the end it allowed for a pretty flawless transition between my states, including the mouth open and mouth closed animations. 

Thursday, November 17, 2022

Spirited Away VR: Interactive NoFace (Proxy)


This week I helped bring NoFace to life in our VR Project. I took the existing model that was given to me and edited the model to give the rig a tongue, teeth, and I remodeled part of the geometry in such a way that the mouth can be easily hidden and revealed using Blendshapes. This carried over into UE4 as "Morph Targets" and I was able to add them as animation curves to animate in game with them. Additionally, I helped add controls to the NoFace rig. Lastly, I made an Idle, Aware, Mouth Open, and Beckon animation. I also started the blueprints for making it interactive in VR. It works somewhat - the Idle to Aware transitions are working, but I have some more work to do on getting it entirely functional in engine. However, I think I did a lot on the project this week. 


Monday, November 14, 2022

Spirited Away VR: Final Pass

Perforce Documentation: Primarily this week, I re-rigged our hands to add an extra joint in the fingers and redid all of the animations to improve them. Additionally, I set up our train for VR navigation, started a transparent material for our No-Face proxy (interactive character), and worked on improving the prop rig and blueprints.  

This video shows some of what our game looks like now, with our train environment. We also used a post processing shader to add some toon lines. I made a soot sprite prop for funsies too. The bath tokens can also be stacked/etc. 

Thursday, November 3, 2022

VR Spirited Away Project Week 2: Clean Pass

 For this week in my VR team project, I worked on rigging our clean pass hands and cleaning up our animations. I also worked on setting up our prop sockets and blueprint so that we have two different bath tokens that the players can interact with and pick up. I also added physics so that you can throw the tokens and drop them on the ground too. Additionally, I helped set up the animation blueprints. 

Sprint #6 Delivery

 This sprint, I added finishing weighting touches onto the Angel, added the completed textures to the rig files, added the stained glass pan...